Writing engaging copy can be a challenge. But it gets easier when you know what you actually want to achieve!

Like every business owner, your main focus is closing the sale – I get that! But for your copy to help you do that, you first need to understand where in the sales process your customers are!

The road towards sealing the deal involves some crucial steps:

  • Your customers first need to learn about you
  • Then, then need to understand your offer
  • After this, they need to get convinced
  • And then, they might be ready to buy!

Your customers will have different needs depending on where in this process they are. Here are two different examples:

Example 1: You want to expand your audience – so your potential customers need to learn about you

If you’re looking to reach out to more people, you might launch a social media marketing campaign. Your goal with that campaign is letting your audience know that you’re out there. You probably also want them to take some kind of action to connect – maybe subscribe to your newsletter or sign up to your webinar.

For you to realize this specific goal, you’ll need concise messages that effectively address the most important pain points of your potential target audience. In just a few seconds, you want them to know that you see them, that you understand them – and that they can get help from you, now!

Example 2: You want to convert newsletter subscribers into paying customers – so you need to convince them

If you’re looking to turn existing subscribers into actual customers, trust-building is key. You’ve already caught their interest – now you want them to understand the value of what you’re offering them. To do that, you’ll need to convey your expertise while keeping their needs in focus.

In this case, you can go deeper, for example by zooming in on one of their key issues. Add texture to the problem. Share your perspectives. Let your experience shine through. Focus on the value and the results of what you offer. Be the expert and demonstrate that you have a proven way of working with their issue.

In other words, your writing needs to be in synch with what you want to achieve.

So, before you start, ask yourself these crucial questions:

  • Why are you writing? Is your goal to inform, explain or convert?
  • Where will you publish? Social media, your own website, an external blog?
  • What’s in it for the customer? What are the 3 most important customer benefits?
  • How can you help? How are you uniquely able to help your customers?

Clarity kills dull copy! Know what you want – and your audience will want to follow you right away!

Sanna Koritz Outside Cafe

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