I’ve never liked to gender stereotype. But over the years, I’ve seen that some challenges are more commonly experienced by women entrepreneurs. Not by ALL women entrepreneurs. And not ONLY by women entrepreneurs. But there are patterns. Bringing them to surface is necessary to create a positive change.
In this blog post, I’m NOT going into the reasons behind these challenges. Because, even if I have my beliefs, I simply don’t know for sure. Perhaps they are biological. Perhaps a mix of cultural patterns and a lack of role models. Maybe a bit of everything.
What I want to do is bring these challenges to light and to offer YOU, dear fellow woman entrepreneur, an alternative and more constructive way to look at your business! My mission is to help you make the kind of impact that you’re longing for – replacing these negative patterns will help you do just that!
So, here we go! These are the 5 things that I want women entrepreneurs to STOP doing:
1. STOP thinking small!
Your vision affects the way you think, feel and act. A powerful vision will help you take powerful action, just like thinking small will keep you small. Be brave enough to have a powerful vision, one that excites you, stretches you and maybe even scares you a little bit! Work on that vison, dive into it, and let it guide your actions.
2. STOP fear-based pricing!
Pricing is an important part of your brand. If your prices are low, then you’re telling your audience to expect low quality. That’s OK if it’s a logical, strategic decision OR a temporary special offer. But if it’s a decision based on insecurities, then you need to stop! Look at the value of your offer with objective eyes and set prices that match.
3. STOP the negative self-talk!
Your pitch is often the very first time that someone will hear about your company. Don’t ruin your chances by being overly modest or by highlighting your weaknesses. Be clear, bold and powerful in your communication. Talk about the impact that you make. Share your amazing vision and how you’re making it come about. Stand proudly behind your own creation!
4. STOP giving away stuff for free!
Sharing free stuff is a great way to let people get to know you. I do it too, and happily so. But if free trials or offers make up a big part of your business, then it’s time to stop! So, map out your offers. Assign a value to each of them. Create a sales funnel that offers a free taste AND a sustainable business model!
5. STOP waiting for perfection!
I know how important it is that your offer reflects the high quality that is YOU. But I also know that perfectionism can have real, negative consequences for your business. Let’s face it: nothing is ever perfect! And it’s much better to get an offer out there that is good enough – rather than spend months trying to achieve the impossible. Chances are you’re going to have to make adjustments anyway. And in the end, you just can’t have growth without launching!
If you’re struggling with one or more of these challenges and want help to take charge of your business and create just the kind of success that you deserve, then I would LOVE to help! Read more about how I can support you here: https://www.sannakoritz.com/work-with-me/
Loads of business love,
So true indeed! Thank you Sanna for pointing out this self-limiting patterns!
Thanks Smiljana för your comment! Let’s always keep a look-out for any negative patterns – and be ready to knock them down when they appear! :))