
I’m Sanna and I help purpose-driven women entrepreneurs turn their vision into reality.

Through online training programs and business coaching, I teach you how to design your business so that you can make an impact while making a profit.

In this blog, I share my best tips and reflections on how to build sustainable success – a business that is profitable, balanced and fun!



Sanna Koritz on Laptop Outside Cafe

Latest Posts

Is tech fear holding you back? Here’s how I’ve managed mine!

Is tech fear holding you back? Here’s how I’ve managed mine!

Are you a tech lover? If you are, then I'm a little jelous! 😜 Because, as you know, tech is such a huge part of running a business today, but many of us - myself included - aren’t techy at all. I have clients who find it hard to even think about creating their own...

Telling yourself THIS will create a standstill in your business

Telling yourself THIS will create a standstill in your business

As a business coach who helps women entrepreneurs build sustainable success, I have the great privilege and joy of meeting tons of talented women with awesome businesses. When they come to me, it’s because they haven’t found a way to make their business work for them....

A message from the other side

A message from the other side

A couple of weeks ago, I turned 50. Someone told me that this is “the peak of your life” – I guess thereby implying that I have a short moment to enjoy it all before everything goes downhill. 😀 I don’t feel like that though. I feel like it’s getting better with each...

Feeling some post-vacation blues?

Feeling some post-vacation blues?

This morning, I walked my son to school for his first day back after the long summer break. And for the very first time, he seemed relaxed and even told me that he was looking forward to it – a huge sense of relief for me as a parent! But not everyone shares his...

3 questions before you post ANYTHING!

3 questions before you post ANYTHING!

I used to feel a lot of resistance towards social media. I felt that there was so much information out there – a lot of it without real value – and that, by posting, I would just be adding to that massive flow. The change came as I began to realize that it’s not about...

Can you grow your business without growing yourself?

Can you grow your business without growing yourself?

One of the worst experiences as a business owner is realizing that your work isn’t paying off in that big way, even though you feel that you’ve been doing your best. Ever been there? I have, and it sucks! If that’s what you’re seeing, then doing more of what you’ve...

THIS tends to come in the way of business happiness!

THIS tends to come in the way of business happiness!

Ever had this happen? 👇🏼 You’ve made a strategic decision for your business – and some time later, an amazing opportunity shows up! Perhaps via email, a post or a conversation. Your ears grow bigger and your mind starts running in new directions: perhaps THIS is what...

Should you work for free just because you love what you do?

Should you work for free just because you love what you do?

OK, this is actually not a trick question and it’s not as silly as you may think. Here’s why: Last night, I got a call from a client, a passionate and skilled social entrepreneur. She had just launched a new program and some of the feedback she got surprised her. “I...

You have so much to give. The world is waiting to hear from you. This is your time to thrive!

To find out how I can support you, schedule a free-of-charge clarity call with me!

Let's Start Something New!

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