I’m Sanna and I help purpose-driven women entrepreneurs turn their vision into reality.
Through online training programs and business coaching, I teach you how to design your business so that you can make an impact while making a profit.
In this blog, I share my best tips and reflections on how to build sustainable success – a business that is profitable, balanced and fun!
Latest Posts
Video: Dealing with the rollercoaster to stay happily productive
The emotional roller coaster is a very real challenge for many entrepreneurs. And having to DELIVER when you're feeling sad or anxious is difficult. This topic is important to me, not only because of my own experiences, but mostly because I know that many fellow...
Video: How to set strategic prices that help you be clear, consistent and ready for growth
What's the reason behind your pricing? Many business owners have a simplistic view of their prices - or spend very little time thinking through it. This can really damage your business! In this video, I talk about how you can use your prices strategically to be clear,...
Video: How to have a BIG vision without feeling overwhelmed
Having a BIG vision is key if you want your business to GROW! But thinking big can be scary! In this video, I share one of my favorite things that helps you think big without feeling overwhelmed!
5 things I want women entrepreneurs to STOP doing!
I’ve never liked to gender stereotype. But over the years, I’ve seen that some challenges are more commonly experienced by women entrepreneurs. Not by ALL women entrepreneurs. And not ONLY by women entrepreneurs. But there are patterns. Bringing them to surface is...
What do you need to create progress in your business
What you need to create progress in your business most likely differs from what your colleagues or competitors need. In this video, I talk about what I consider KEY when it comes to growing your business: staying true to yourself and NOT looking too much to the...
The most important mindset shift to make 2020 your year!
A new year and a new decade can bring a sense of opportunity and urgency. Many feel that this is the time to start anew, to change things up and to – hopefully – realize their big dreams. But for many, the start of a new year can also trigger feelings of anxiety and...
3 keys for selling your services!
Selling services means selling the intangible – a challenge in itself, since there’s no physical product to bring to the sales meeting. There’s nothing that your prospect can see, touch or easily compare with the competition – instead, the experience of your service...
My 3 big lessons for growth during 2019
2019 has been an awesome year – and I hope that you agree! I always like to set the intention for the year. And I do that by summarizing into ONE word what I want that year to be about. This puts me in the right mindset and helps me make aligned decisions. My theme...
Stop working in the dark! 4 tips for getting early feedback on your new offer!
Many software company will involve the end-user early in the development process. A beta version will be tested and adjusted according to the feedback – and so it goes until the new product is ready to launch. Unfortunately, many micro coaching and consulting...
You have so much to give. The world is waiting to hear from you. This is your time to thrive!
To find out how I can support you, schedule a free-of-charge clarity call with me!
Let's Start Something New!
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