by SannaKoritz | Sep 20, 2019 | Videos: Your thriving business
Coming up with new ideas for content can sometimes be diffficult. I find that having a structure is super helpful for getting creative! In this video I share how to create that structure and what happens once it’s in place. If you find this helpful, please give me a...
by SannaKoritz | Sep 13, 2019 | Videos: Your thriving business
Going from an offline to an online business brings a LOT of challenges for me. I need to invest time and learn about things that are completely new to me, And I need to get the support where my own skills aren’t enough. But my super clear vision makes it fun! I know...
by SannaKoritz | Sep 11, 2019 | Videos: Your thriving business
Being an entrepreneur is about getting things done! But it’s not always easy to be productive. So we need to create the conditions that make productivity come easy for us. I’ve realized that two things are especially important for me in order to be productive – in...
by SannaKoritz | Sep 11, 2019 | Videos: Your thriving business
One of the biggest obstacles to transformation, is DOUBT. An effective way to overcome any doubts, is to make sure that your transformation is leading you to a deeper expression of your purpose. Find out more in this...
by SannaKoritz | Sep 11, 2019 | Videos: Your thriving business
Waking up to a rainy morning here in Stockholm, I found myself feeling depressed and uninspired. But key to any growth is to push through and do things even though we may not feel like it – at all! THAT, if anything, is being kind to ourselves. 🙂 Today, I used three...