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The importance of pushing through
Waking up to a rainy morning here in Stockholm, I found myself feeling depressed and uninspired. But key to any growth is to push through and do things even though we may not feel like it – at all! THAT, if anything, is being kind to ourselves. 🙂 Today, I used three...
4 important steps to business growth
Has your business reached a plateau? Are you finding it hard to both run AND grow your business? You’re not alone. Lack of time is considered one of the biggest obstacles to business growth among entrepreneurs, with demanding day to day business operations leaving...
Taking on transformation – 3 tips for ditching doubt and getting to your desired destination!
I want to talk to you about transformation. Why? Because transformation is an essential ingredient to a fulfilled life. Whether it’s about your business or a part of your personal life, transforming means recognizing that we’ve grown, developed and that we need to BE...
Go for good enough – how embracing imperfection will help you build your business
I know that you’re passionate about creating value for your customers – and that’s awesome! But. (Yes, there is a but). If your strive for quality is nearing perfectionism, then you might have a problem. Why? Because perfectionism will probably hold you back instead...
The amazing powers of decision-making!
A dear friend of mine had been wanting to work as a full-time artist for more than 20 years. Up until recently, he chose the safe path, securing his monthly income by working as a freelance graphic designer. Nothing wrong with that – except that his dream of making a...
How being authentic will directly impact your bottom line!
Authenticity has become a mainstream theme. Maybe it’s a side-effect of social media fueled pressure for perfection. Maybe we’ve simply come to a point where we realize that the only sustainable strategy – both in life and in business – is being our true selves....
Is your big vision keeping you up at night? Here are 6 effective steps to help you reach your goals and sleep like a baby!
I’m sure that you love what you do – and I’m guessing that you have big plans for your business! And if you’re anything like me, you sometimes find yourself awake at night, wondering how to get everything done to realize those plans! 😉 When the list of things to do –...
4 questions that will help you create killer copy!
Writing engaging copy can be a challenge. But it gets easier when you know what you actually want to achieve! Like every business owner, your main focus is closing the sale – I get that! But for your copy to help you do that, you first need to understand where in the...
Why role models matter – What my Mom has taught me about business
As I was talking to a friend, we slipped into the topic of role models. We agreed that knowing someone who’s made the journey before us makes it so much easier to take on a challenge. Research shows that the likelihood of starting a business increases significantly if...
Having it all: 4 steps to a thriving, purpose-based business
I believe that it’s time to change the definition of success! I grew up hearing what I should do with my life. In 9th grade, our school councilor told us to we all should study economics as there was a shortage of economists. My parents told me I should work with...
You have so much to give. The world is waiting to hear from you. This is your time to thrive!
To find out how I can support you, schedule a free-of-charge clarity call with me!