Dear friend,

Are you feeling stressed, trying to meet the pressure to perform while feeling the world’s worry?

You’re not alone. I’ve spent the past two weeks recovering from a stubborn pneumonia. I’ve had to cancel a webinar and put a bunch of creative projects to the side. I’ve felt the anguish of having my Dad go through a much worse case of it than me, and still not being able to do anything to help him.

I’m not complaining. There are many people who don’t even have access to health care, medication or supportive family members. And there are those who have it even worse than that. My heart goes out to all of them.

I’m writing this because I know that the pressure to deliver combined with a deep sense of worry can be hard to tackle. All those projects that seemed so important yesterday might do very little to move us in the slightest today. All that focus and energy must suddenly be used elsewhere.

But know this:

You are doing your best. This is not an easy time. We all need a moment to readjust and refocus. Don’t blame yourself for all the things you didn’t get done today. Celebrate the things you did.

No time is better than now to repeat the need for baby steps. If you, like me, are in it for the long-term, then all you need to do today is focus on that next small step that you can take. Take it. Be proud of it. Let it create ripple effects for tomorrow.

This morning, I thought about how I could make this time a little easier for you. I wanted to give you something that you could benefit from without having to invest anything but time – and a little bit of your attention. This is what I came up with – please note that all of them are free with no strings attached:

If you’re suffering from any kind of self-sabotage – including beating yourself up for not getting enough done! – you can download my free pdf course Beat the Blocks and learn my 10 steps to business success. Here’s the download link:

If you’re tired of working yourself to the bone without getting where you want to be OR if you just want to spend some time giving yourself and your business some love, you can join me this Friday in my free, live webinar Your thriving business – 3 keys for sustainable business success. Here’s the sign-up link:

If you feel stuck and want to talk about your challenges with me – be they about business strategy, sales, communication or productivity, you can book a 30-minute free of charge clarity call with me to start getting clarity and, with that, some peace of mind. Book your call with me here:

Stay healthy. Stay kind – both to yourself and to others.

With lots of love,


Sanna Koritz Outside Cafe

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