During a coaching session last week, a client wanted my input on the marketing schedule that she had created for her business.

She explained that she was tired of trying to come up with The Perfect System and that she had decided to go for some easy-to-stick-to routines instead.

I just want to get things out there”, she said. “Looking for The Perfect System has held me back, and I have ended up sharing nothing!

Being all too familiar with the freezing effects of perfectionism, I could relate.

We had a look at her suggested structure, and it seemed great: clear, helpful, and doable!

As we continued to talk, she shared more of her work behind the scenes. And I began to realize that without even noticing it, this wonderful woman had already created that Perfect System!

Piece by piece, she had put together everything that she needed:

– Her content pillars with tons of topic ideas for each pillar.

– The format and schedule for her newsletters.

– A plan and routine for repurposing and posting.

– A folder system for any visuals that she wanted to share.

I love this story because it shows us how our own thoughts about what we need and how that must look can distract us from what really matters.

As my client so brilliantly put it: “I have realized that sharing something is better than sharing nothing!”

It also reminds us that things don’t need to be perfect – but that they sometimes already are. We just have to look at them from a slightly different angle.

With love,

Sanna xo

PS. If you want to market with ease, a great place to start is to create your own content pillars and fill them with ideas. Brainstorm freely – then evaluate. Keep everything that will be helpful to your audience. Skip the rest. Need some help on the way? Check out my coaching packages here.


Sanna Koritz Outside Cafe

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