Hello lovely,
Today is Friday and I am sooo ready for the weekend! Are you? 💃
Before I close my laptop, I want to share some quick creativity tips. Because I know that many of you have exciting projects in the pipeline – and that it’s not always easy to go from thought to action.
So, let me walk you through the phases that I usually go through when I create something new – whether it’s a product, service or piece of marketing, the process tends to stay the same!
Step 1:
It all starts with an idea or a vision popping into my mind, usually in connection with a client or partner conversation, something that I’ve read or heard, or an observation that I have made in my own business.
I love this phase, because it feels fun, free and opportunity filled: I can see that thing in front of me, all glorious and ready to go!
But: there’s a catch – and it has to do with that transition between the dreaming and the doing!
My biggest creativity killer is to get too detailed too soon. I’m a sucker for structured creativity and if I don’t have that structure in place first, then I’ll lose sight of where I’m going, and my motivation will quickly go down the drain.
So, here’s what I do:
Steps 2 and 3:
I think about the main theme of that new thing: what is it about, what should it do for my clients?
Then, I write up the main pieces of content that need to be part of it.
You can think of it as a house standing on some pillars. The roof is the main theme that overarches the construction; the pillars are the main pieces of content, the parts that make up that new thing.
Step 4:
Next up is a little brainstorming! I write down – in bullets! – the main points that go into each pillar or piece of content. The bullet format is important because it allows me to stay in the big picture.
Now I have my structure and a great overview! I can easily make any necessary adjustments: move things around, add or remove.
Step 5:
This is where I – finally! – get into the details! I use the bullet points as my roadmap and bind them together as I write up the script and put the powerpoint together – or whatever is relevant for that specific project.
Step 6:
This final part is about fine tuning, which often turns out to be more time-consuming than I would like, but hey, it’s all part of the process!
That’s it! Those are my 6 steps for turning an idea into a tangible piece of my business! Any questions or reflections, let me know! 😊
Now, let’s jump into the weekend, shall we?
With lots of love,
Sanna xo
PS. Everybody is different, and my process will not be right for everyone. You might love to start with the details and build from there. And that’s perfect! The important thing is knowing what motivates you and recognizing what tends to hold you back. That way, you can build a process that works for you, which means less resistance and more stuff done!