In the everyday business of running a business, things can get blurry without us even noticing it.

It has happened to me several times since I started my first business in 2006, and I’m counting on it to happen again and again throughout my journey.

Two important questions we can ask ourselves as business owners is what we are selling, and why.

I started out selling business consulting services for large corporations. During the years that followed, I (step by step) realized that my heart is with women entrepreneurs and that what I want to offer is business and personal transformation.

Why? One of the main reasons is that entrepreneurship is an important driving force for gender equality. I also know that women in general face hurdles that our male colleagues tend not to. I’m here to help my clients overcome those hurdles and build freedom and financial independence.

Quite a shift from my original plan, right? That’s how powerful these questions are. And it’s precisely that kind of clarity that I want you to experience as well.

Keep this in mind when you ask yourself these questions:

–> When you ask yourself what you’re selling:

Think about the effects of your work. People don’t buy what you do, they buy the transformation that you help them achieve. So, what is the transformation that you’re offering your clients?

–> When you ask yourself why you’re selling a particular service or product:

Think about the deeper reasons. These are the components that form your business purpose – one of the most powerful factors for tenacity, connection and success.

Replacing blurriness with clarity and focus will make your life easier, your business healthier and your clients happier. Start with the what and the why, and see what happens.

With love,

Sanna xo

PS. You can work with these questions however you want to. You can set aside some time to brainstorm. You can keep them in the back of your mind and take notes whenever a reflection comes up. You can also hire me as your strategic sounding board. Book a free clarity call here.

Sanna Koritz Outside Cafe

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