The other week, I had a conversation around business models.

A client of mine was thinking about redesigning her business as her income didn’t match her input.

But she felt doubt. Was she “allowed”? Should she rather stick it out just a little longer? What if this new way of offering her services wouldn’t work?

I’m all for clarity, business model included!

But there’s one thing that we need to respect:

Your business isn’t a constant – so you shouldn’t treat it like one.

Just because you were 100% sure that a certain business model was the one and only for you last year – doesn’t mean that you have to feel that way forever.

It’s kind of like trying to answer the question:

What is your passion?

You can have several passions! And they can change over time!

Flexibility does not annihilate clarity. They can co-exist.

What’s important is to track your results, follow your heart and – if needed and wanted – re-design your business accordingly.

Why start 2023 exactly like 2022, just because?

🍂 If a part of your business isn’t working the way you would like it to – tweak or remove!

🌱 If you would love to add something new (or reintroduce something old for that matter) – do it!

You are the boss. You get to decide. Use that power. And choose wisely.

With love,

Sanna xo

PS. A year ago, I was sure that I would only do digital group coaching and move away from IRL and 1:1. Turns out, I miss both of them! So, I’ve reintroduced my 1:1 business coaching and am in the process of forming a space for women entrepreneurs to interact IRL. As your strategic sounding board, I help you make the decisions that are in tune with you and your business. Book your free clarity call with me here.


Sanna Koritz Outside Cafe

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